So, some context: this photo was taken on September 12th at 6:39 am in West Lafayette, Indiana. Eastern time zone. I was on my way to work and saw a strange light in the sky. The light you see in the upper portion of the photo started out from the left side of the light formation and worked its way to the center of the light formation and worked its way up. (I'm sorry if the explanation is hard to understand but this is what I saw. ) the light then intersected with the lower light formation that you see in the photo. The brilliant light that you see then went "north" or "up" if you will and this is when I was able to stop my car and snap the photo that you see. So my question is; does this coincide with one of Elon's rocket launches? (Because this bares a striking resemblance to what I have seen in that regard) or is this a true blooded UFO? Thank you all for your input and I'm eager to see what you all think!

by Ok-Honeydew-8905

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