We can wax poetic about this being a bipartisan issue all day long. But at the end of the day, out of our two major parties, only one is entirely about obstruction. It's not too late to register to vote.

PS: No shade to cats. They get a pass from me on being libertarians.

by Tylor_with_an_o


  1. Burnittothegound on

    We have the biggest stooges in congress pushing the issue the loudest and then we have the corrupt stooges from the same party shooting it down.

    OP is right, this is a political issue and one side is disjointed, bipolar and loud while the other side just keeps going, “This is concerning, we’re congress, please show us the secrets we’re entitled to as congress.”

    I really really hate when shit devolves into politics but our issue is being wielded by politicians for political purposes, it can’t be escaped and must be discussed.

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