You’re a whistleblower with information that can literally change the course of Mankind. What to do with the life changing evidence?

by ICWiener6666


  1. I don’t like being presented 2 options.

    Nothing has happened previously with the wikileaks stuff (wasn’t it revealed the NSA is spying on everyone? What happened with that?) so dumping it there seems pointless, and nothing is anonymous, they would find you.

    Probably take my knowledge and start a company based around whatever it is I know. Set up some ridiculous classification system so nobody can unravel what I really know. Pay off some government people with my ill-gotten gains so they play ball, and I’ll be flying around in my cloaked UFO in no time, looking at all the ants going to work.

    If anyone asked what I know, I’d smile wryly and say ‘it’s not what you think’ or some such nonsense.

  2. LoomingEschaton on

    This a very childish and ignorant perspective on the whole thing. People don’t seem to understand what it means when something is classified and you have a legal obligation to maintain that secrecy.

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