This man will never stop surprising me, and the more I go on, the more I m convinced that he really enjoys lying shamelessly. It's as if he wanted to make a bet with himself. “Let's see how much bullshit I can vomit consecutively and still have people believing in what I say.”

by Melodic-Attorney9918


  1. Melodic-Attorney9918 on

    I decided to publish this video because I found his lies so obvious that I couldn’t help but report it. He claims that the Skinny Bob video is real, but then he also claims that Gray aliens don’t have thumbs. Too bad Skinny Bob has huge thumbs.
    It almost seems like he wants to deliberately make fun of the UFO community just for the pleasure of it.

  2. I’m so confused why people trust Doty, as someone who has admitted to spreading disinformation why the fuck should people trust him

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