Seriously? You're still promoting this LARP/Doty disinfo? First of all these "hype" posts of "big thing coming soon" are already red flags and annoying to begin with by default, and "The Mirror" is a super low quality tabloid, with none of the proper newspapers associated with this topic like "News Nation" talking about this guy. But the specific guy making this claim, Charles Benjamin McNeal? Negative levels of credibility.

Two charges of bank robbery and trying to groom a 17yo to help him with it too

Here is an example of Richard Doty (Instant red flag) promoting McNeal, infact given how extremely obscure McNeal was, i'd argue it was probably Doty's fault in the first place he got any traction. On this same X post with Doty you can see "WHISTLEBLOWER" posting his own site, and admitting to being Charles Benjamin Mcneal. He has the same face, same backstory as him.

Also, McNeal weaseled out and deleted his original post about this, but i'm sure if you dig enough, you can find the original post where Ross Coulthart stepped in to call McNeal out for posting a screenshot from X-Files as "pictures of real alien bodies" and other blatantly fake nonsense.

Letting this level of gullibility slip by is immeasurably damaging. Most of the comments are calling out the BS sure, but letting it get posted and highly upvoted (which is questionable if it's even organic or bots in the first place when the comments are almost all negative) in the first place makes everyone here look like a lunatic, this type of godawful 0 thought post shouldn't even be allowed i'd argue.

You might argue i'm going too far here but i honestly think posting this level of BS here should be worthy of a warn and then a ban on repeat offenses, it's not a high bar to clear to take 5 minutes to vet your sources FFS, there is 0 reason to listen to Charles McNeal, no one has vetted him (unless you count Doty lmao) and he has a million red flags if you look even a little into him. If you take disclosure and its potential consequences seriously, as i do, then you should recognize that BS peddlers are some of our worst enemies and we need to be careful with unfamiliar new sources and "hype", the sub tag itself says that this sub is meant to "promote healthy skepticism", but posts like these are clearly exercising 0 skepticism even when it's necessary.

Also the fact that Doty promoted McNeal and helped him out of complete obscurity is 100% proof he never stopped being a disinformation agent and his "change of heart" was all a facade, as i already suspected in the first place, a special agent (AFOSI) who psyops an innocent civilian (Bennewitz) into suicide would hardly change into an "honest man" so easily. It doesn't even make sense from a "grifting" perspective because McNeal was completely obscure until Doty promoted him, and doesn't appear to be making money for him, it screams malicious disinformation. This should be the 2nd takeaway from this post, Doty never stopped being disinfo, there is 0 doubt about it.

by Sea_Oven814


  1. Now just imagine how credible all those “sources” that won’t put their name to the info they provide are.

  2. LakeMichUFODroneGuy on

    It’s funny that the origin to his story is overlooked and the focus is put on more recent crimes.

    According to him he was selling weed to random people in the parking lot of the truck stop he worked at when he was 18. One person he approached turned down the weed, but apparently thought so much of this parking lot dwelling pot dealer that he decided to bring him into the fold on all of the classified UFO stuff most people just dream about. Because apparently he was some kind of alphabet agency spook, and for whatever reason ignored the years of trouble this guy was getting in as a minor, not to mention trying to sell him weed, and gave him the secrets of the universe.

    Anyone with a functioning brain just needs to stop with his story right there. This person is either lying, or suffering a complete mental break from reality.

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