Watching this interview with him and at 1 hour and 51 minutes in he is asked about whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and he said Snowden is a traitor that just wanted to give all of our secrets to Russia. What do you guys think? I know Snowden is a controversial figure, but some feel he did a patriotic duty because he was forced into a corner. Without him, the security apparatus and spying domestically in the United States would still be a wacky conspiracy theory

by 673NoshMyBollocksAve


  1. unclerickymonster on

    Omg, he’s a traitor, look where he lives, how he got there, and who supports him, it’s as simple as that. I can’t even believe I have to say that!

  2. _ePluribusUnum_1776 on

    As a federal contractor, I agree with him. Snowden did not go to Congress. He went to Russia. The information he gave them helped Russia to the detriment of the US and US allies. If you don’t have allegiance to the US or if you’re sympathetic to Russia, you’re free to disagree with or even disdain Lou, but if you harbor allegiange to America, you can’t deny that Snowden did serious unmitigable damage to US national security, including our power grids, undersea cables, where and how we tapped into China’s undersea cables, etc.

  3. Sure Snowden did some good by revealing certain things but he’s also most certainly a traitor. He gave a bunch of our secrets to Russia

  4. TheCIAWatchingU on

    Interesting. But it fits the narrative that all whistleblowers regarding this current UAP movement aren’t whistleblowers at all, that they are still working for the govt, so it’s sounds right that he would have that perspective on Snowden.

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