Wow… Notice the "opening date" of this document/documents? Then notice the the last, highlighted date of what the aforementioned is referencing.

1955-2076!!! Really… Only 121 years! Too bad I won't be around to see it revealed!

I try to remain somewhat skeptical in the whole realm of UFOs, UAPs, whatever you want to call them, but I mean damn this is pushing me into the all out believer crowd.

by killachief


  1. OneDimensionPrinter on

    Maybe something related to this. It’s from the UK, related to a well known photo, and is due to be released the same year.

    > The duo’s identities remain under wraps by the MOD, which isn’t looking to disclose the Calvine file details until 2076 due to “privacy concerns”.

    No actual clue but that’s all I could find with that year referenced. Seems possible it’s related to your thing. Safer bet it’s communication with those two, not a UFO. But that would be sick.

  2. Sometimes dates are set out this far to protect the privacy of the individuals involved, but interesting nonetheless

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