I have studied this subject for 20 years, and have personally experienced phenomenon on multiple occasions, including witnessing a UFO during the day in 2006, and during the day in 2021.

My favorite discovery is how they move about, moving in either a linear fashion, or a non-linear fashion. Exotic crafts do not fly in the traditional sense. Instead, they levitate, and they teleport. When they teleport, they can move in the same time, forward in time, or backwards in time, via “Field Propulsion”.

Using field propulsion, exotic crafts can move “any where”, and “any when” rather instantly.

This inherently makes exotic crafts time machines, and there is where we likely find the primary reason for secrecy of the subject for so long.

Field Resonance Propulsion
aka Field Propulsion
aka Antigravity
aka Levitation
aka Teleportation
aka Non-Linear Travel
aka Time Travel

The existence of space-time harmonics means that if a craft at a specified space-time point artificially generates a configuration of electro-hydromagnetic fields which has a resonance with a distant space-time point, a basic imbalance is created. This imbalance would be out of harmony with the "projection laws" which create the space-time properties from higher dimensional properties. Forces would be set in motion to re-establish a balance which in this case requires that the craft and its fields be located at the space-time point where such field configurations are a natural harmonic of that space-time metric. The best analogy in every day life is that of tuning a radio. The tuning knob in this case is the spacecraft's mechanism for changing the configuration of the magnetic wave form. The radio stations are the various space-time points. For a radio, the signal (which is always there) is manifested through thoe speakers associated with the radio, for the field resonance system the speakers exist only at the radio station. Once the spacecraft's magnetic wave form is tuned into a distant space-time point, that wave form is forced to manifest only at that space-time point according to the "projection laws".

by Ultra-Terrestrial

1 Comment

  1. Ultra-Terrestrial on

    This is one of the most difficult to find pieces of information I have ever come across in my 20 years of passionately studying UFOs. I have only heard 2 or 3 people talk about it. Lue Elizondo speaks about it conceptually in chapter 16 of his new UFO book Imminent, but Lue does not come straight out and say the name of what he is describing, which is “Field Propulsion”.

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