This cropcircle from a while back seems to be the Lunar crescent symbol associated with Enki. It was found near Stonehenge, people today have been taught to disregard symbols, numerology, astrology by the church who ironically worships Enlil. Popes hat is in honor of Dagon/Enlil. Stonehenge is a prehistoric circle of 13-foot-tall stones in Wiltshire…

Age of Aquarius "In the era of Aquarius, Lord enki shall rule again".

As i show on my post about Gobekli Tepe, we often use Turtle and it's shell as symbols for the Nummo. Historically, we have always had 13 months. Thirteen thin “bars”, which surround this “lunar crescent” and “star” as drawn in the crops remind you of those in a circle at Stonehenge nearby..Thread

by Adventurous-Ear9433


  1. Fragrant_Mixture_383 on

    All these crop circles are fake EVERY SINGLE crop circle you search up has those lines moving up and down the shape that’s how they get to diffeeent areas in the crop without making trails 😂

  2. ManagerQuiet1281 on

    Better be careful lads the Aliens are clearly into Stone Island clothing. Next, they’ll be drinking pints of Stella and beating their girlfriends.

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