Time: September 28, 2024 – 6:23 PM MDT

Location: Mapleton, Utah, USA

Video was taken facing north, object was probably at a 45-55° angle.

My son and I were at a park flying his little drone (…no, that's not what this is in the video…) and we saw a black spot in the sky that looked very out of place. There were no clouds at all. The object was not moving when we first observed it; it appeared to remain in place for at least 30 seconds (that was probably the total amount of time I directly observed it).

What I saw with my eyes was not much better than what you see in the video; it was literally just a black spot in the sky. I did not see any lights or reflection and for perspective, the sun was beginning to my left as I recorded this. My son pointed it out first while he was flying his drone. I watched it for a few seconds before grabbing my phone to get some footage. I knew the video would be crap — and it for sure is, sorry — but I had to do it… and I wanted to post it in case anyone else saw it or has an idea.

The reason I stopped recording is because my son's drone started acting up on him and he lost control of it. I had to take his controller and help. After I got his drone down, I turned back to look and the object was gone. I couldn't see it anywhere. My son told me, "it moved towards the mountains really fast" (east) while I was handling his drone.

I could probably toss the raw video on Google Drive (about 24 seconds long) if someone wants it, but honestly I zoomed in as far as my Pixel 8 would zoom in, so I'm not sure what good that would do anybody.


by Bacon-Burger-42

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