In another attempt to stifle alternative perspectives, new guidelines have been issued for “debunking” UFO and alien visitation claims, as well as suppressing the growing number of independent researchers digging into these topics. While they claim to promote "scientific rigor," it's clear that the real aim is to shut down those who challenge mainstream narratives.

1. Engagement Over Dismissal

The first new tactic is more engagement. The traditional method of dismissing UFO or UAP claims as nonsense isn’t working anymore. People are too curious, and the volume of information—both credible and speculative—is overwhelming. So, now, instead of just saying "it's a weather balloon," the strategy is to engage the public, start debates, and flood the conversation with "rational" arguments to drown out alternative viewpoints. They want to make it look like they’re taking these claims seriously, but it’s just another way to control the conversation and guide it back toward accepted ideas.

2. Flooding the Zone with Skeptics

Another key point in the guidelines is the increased presence of self-proclaimed "scientific experts" in forums, social media, and online communities. The idea is to flood discussions with skeptics who appear well-versed in science. This tactic makes it look like there’s a broad consensus against alternative theories, even when those theories are grounded in real evidence or credible testimony. By sheer numbers, they can make anyone questioning the mainstream feel isolated or outnumbered.

3. Better Science Communication to Avoid "Bad Ideas"

The guidelines also emphasize better science communication to "educate the public." On the surface, this sounds noble, but the goal is to make alternative researchers look like they’re promoting "bad ideas." They claim that the public needs to be taught how to recognize pseudoscience, but in reality, it’s about labeling anything that strays from the official line as pseudoscientific. The aim is to associate independent researchers with conspiracy theorists and fringe thinkers to discredit them in the eyes of the public.

4. Higher Standards of Evidence

Another key change is raising the bar for what counts as “acceptable evidence.” According to these new guidelines, only the highest levels of scientific proof will be accepted for claims related to UFOs, UAPs, or anything involving alien visitation. Conveniently, this shuts out eyewitness testimony, whistleblower accounts, and circumstantial evidence—types of evidence often used by independent researchers. The goal is clear: make it nearly impossible for anyone outside of the mainstream scientific community to "prove" their claims.

5. Targeting Cultural Narratives

Perhaps most insidious is the focus on alternative narratives surrounding indigenous and cultural stories of sky beings or ancient technologies. The guidelines recommend that science communicators engage with these communities to “separate fact from fiction” while showing respect for their traditions. What this really means is they want to control the narrative and ensure that ancient stories and alternative interpretations don’t support modern UFO or alien theories.

6. Preemptive Debunking

Finally, the guidelines encourage preemptive debunking. As soon as a new UFO sighting or discovery is reported, the debunkers are to flood social media, online communities, and mainstream outlets with explanations—no matter how speculative—before the alternative researchers can dig into the details. This way, they can control the narrative before independent voices have a chance to ask questions or offer alternative explanations.

While these new tactics may seem like a more thoughtful approach to debunking, make no mistake: it’s still about suppressing curiosity and keeping control over the UFO and UAP conversation. Independent researchers and curious minds alike will need to navigate an increasingly complex and controlled landscape as they search for the truth. But no matter how many guidelines are issued, one thing is certain: people are waking up, and the demand for real answers is only growing.

Alien Visitation Beliefs Are “Spiraling Out of Control,” Becoming a Societal Problem, Warns Prominent Philosopher – The Debrief

by SystematicApproach

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