Experts reveal alarming theory for why UFOs appear to defy the laws of physics – Anti-gravity machine. Time for anything operating a craft would be considerably faster. This would mean anything looking outside a craft would see the entirety of humanity moving at slow motion.

by TommyShelbyPFB


  1. This article is based on revelations by Elizondo in his book and some other theories by Physicists.

    We don’t talk about the time dilation aspect of this enough. It sounds like due to Einstein’s laws and the way speed and gravity effects time dilation, getting inside one of these crafts time on the outside would literally slow down.

    Which is likely why they look from the outside like they are moving in fast forward speed and making crazy right angle maneuvers. This would give anyone inside that craft massive advantage. It’s like a slow-mo cheat in a video game.

  2. This is Jumping to Conclusions 101

    We don’t know what the phenomenon is. We don’t know if they are machines, we don’t what their origin is, we don’t what technology powers them, we have no idea if they operate by manipulating gravity. We know nothing, we have 0 facts.

    All of this is speculation and conjecture for the sole purpose of getting clicks. This is a nothingburger

    Most of the discussion in this sub is more appropriate for r/showerthoughts

  3. Just happy this continues to gain mainstream media attention (even if it’s the Daily Mail). Nice post OP

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