I am at work right now, and our ATC just got a confirmation from the pilot of RYR8EH of seeing unusual lights NW of his position. He has been seeing them for the past 10 minutes approximately. He reported it at previous sector (Serbia) as well before contacting ours. When asked about it by our ATC he noted the lights were still present but we're moving further away than when he noticed them at previous sector. He is flying from LROP to LEPA, and his report came at about 20:10 UTC. You can find the path on flight radar as I'm not sure I can post full photos from our radar here. There was nothing unusual on the screen from our side. Photo is of the flight in question, cropped.

by bineking


  1. What direction were the lights headed? Starlink would be NW of him coming towards him, but as night marches on the area where they’d be in the sun is getting further and further away.

    Let us know if you learn more details.

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