The story goes that apparently former president Dwight D. Eisenhower went missing for hours on February 20th, 1954 (according to the Eisenhower society, some places have it as the 21st). During that time it is believed (according to the story) that he was shuttled to Edwards Air Force Base in Kern and now part of San Bernardino County, California. It is said that he had not one, but two meetings with different alien races.

The first was with the Nordic aliens who demanded that we get rid of our nukes to get alien technology. Obviously he didn't agree to that. The second meeting was with Grey aliens who wanted to selectively abduct people to experiment in exchange for their technology. It is thought he reluctantly accepted that deal. There are more stories that go into detail about transportation, appearance and communication type but this is kind of the cliff notes version of what I took from it.

When he showed up at church in Los Angeles that Sunday, the White House spokesman had an alternative story ready for the press. Instead of the Edwards story, they said he was enjoying fried chicken and chipped a tooth so he had to go to the dentist for the unestablished amount of time.

It is believed that this is where discredited UFO Enthusiast Charles McNeal's recent 70 year truce ending story came from. I only add this because I was trying to figure out where he got his information from recently and came upon this story.

What do you think, is this something that is generally believed in the UFO community or do you think something else was afoot? I genuinely want to hear your opinions about it.

by TomasVrboda

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