Have you seen this Object? [3D Render]

by AadaMatrix

1 Comment

  1. So this happened when I was 14, during a family drive in Altus, Oklahoma. It was December, and we were out looking at Christmas lights, like we did every year. It was nighttime, completely dark, except for the festive lights all over the neighborhood. We were driving around, checking out the displays, when something caught my eye.

    I looked up through the car window and saw this massive, black shape hovering in the sky. It wasn’t moving, just hanging there, completely silent. The thing was huge, and the only reason I could even see it was because of this glowing orb underneath. It was weird—the orb had this reddish-orange glow, but it kept shifting to blue, like the light was getting warped. The orb wasn’t just hanging out there alone either; it was surrounded by this diamond-shaped lattice, like it was encased in some kind of structure.

    I remember just staring at it, completely frozen. It didn’t make a sound, didn’t move an inch, it was just… there. The thing that freaked me out was how it felt like time had slowed down, like everything else disappeared except for this thing above me. I looked around to see if anyone else in the car was seeing it, but no one was paying attention. They were all focused on the Christmas lights and chatting, completely oblivious.

    Then, just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. One second it was there, the next it was gone, like it had blinked out of existence.

    I tried telling my older brothers, but there was nothing to see, and they just laughed like i was insane.

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