October 20, 1954, Raon-l ‘Etape, Vosges France

Lazlo Ujvari, going to work late at night, encountered a heavy set man of medium height wearing a gray jacket with insignias on the shoulders, and a motorcycle helmet, who threatened him with a revolver and spoke words he did not understand. Ujvari spoke Russian to him and got a reply in that language. The unknown man then asked whether he was in Spain or Italy; then, what time it was. ‘2:30”, said Ujvari. “You lie,” replied the man, taking out his own watch and announcing “Four o’clock!” He then escorted Ujvari past an inverted dish shaped, lightless saucer bearing a 2-foot antenna, which took up almost the whole width of the road. After 30 yards, he said ‘Adieu!” After a few paces, Ujvari looked back; with a whine like an electric motor, the saucer rose vertically.

Source: Pierre Masson & Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

by esosecretgnosis

1 Comment

  1. esosecretgnosis on

    Submission statement: Jacques Vallee speaks about the possible meaning behind an encounter with a UFO occupant (and the phenomena in general) which occurred in France on October 20, 1954.

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