Man Joe was my hero but I’m so invested in this UAP / ET issue and listening to his absolute nonsense and lack of knowledge about all this hits so hard. It’s crazy…. + he is totally disrespecting and downplaying the work, people and informations people like Micheal and Ross are bringing up.

by DaGigi93


  1. Unreal how little Joe knows about all this. Saying things like „spread nonsense like deactivation the Nukes“ „who would even come up with the idea there are contracts between us and them“… it’s time for him to stop talking about that stuff he is harming disclosure.

  2. Okay, not a big Joe listener, but can you ex plain further. Your Frustration or disagreement so I can understand better?

  3. Witty-Variation-2135 on

    Joe is 100% right on this though. The alien deal thing is just Cold War propaganda.

  4. Can you blame him though? He has some of these people on, gives them the platform, and gets told incredible information with no hard evidence or told they’re not allowed to say anything.

    Joe must find it as frustrating as we do.

  5. Irish_Goodbye4 on

    Joe has brought on a dozen+ guests who are major names in UAP disclosure. He definitely cares.

    This tiny clip is him questioning why superior aliens would make a deal with the US govt. It could be possible (Eisenhower) but Joe has been consistent that superior NHI probably see humans as little ants or angry-monkeys and he’s said before NHI probably don’t care to talk to the white house.

  6. funk_master_chunk on

    I happen to agree with Rogan on this.

    A vastly superior race from either another planet or another dimension isn’t going to show itself, showcase interstellar or inter-dimensional travek and then cower against a lesser species and it’s technology.

    Unless it was some ET-esque plot line where they drip feed us tech so they can get off-planet. But even then with the oft-purported telekinetic abilities etc. it wouldn’t be an issue.

    Unles they were/are a truly benevolent species who wants all life in the known universe/dimensions to thrive (and I won’t rule that out, in the spirit of fairness) there’s absolutely no way a vastly superior and more technollgically advanced species from “elsewhere” comes here and cuts a deal with us.

    Especially not in the 40s/50s when said deal is supposed to yave been struck.

    “You have spaceship…. We trade you for an AM radio and a tank??”

    “Deal, earthling!”

  7. Medium_Active1729 on

    Over the years I became more skeptic, just like Joe. He’s been a blind believer for many many years, it’s ok to be frustrated.

  8. idolizing someone other than a personality like Rogan should be your first step

    the fact you’re surprised he’s talking about stuff he knows little about is definitely… something. given his past and everything.

  9. Extension_Stress9435 on

    Even though Joe has a very biased and narrow perspective on many things including COVID or politics he’s a big UFO enthusiast and I’m sure he throughly enjoyed his interview with Elizondo. That said he had a point about remaining skeptical about alien treaties. We don’t hold negotiations with animals of the forest each time we start a lumbering operation. NHI has freaking time machines, craft that can bend the fabric of reality to move in every direction in space.

    Why wiuks thru need to sign a treaty? They don’t. So we are either being lied to OR played by fools by NHI.

  10. Formal_Champion_7143 on

    Well he’s speaking logically for once. Why the fuck would alien need to make a deal? They can do what they want

  11. Idk if believe ufo stuff is cold War propaganda like the other guy. But whistleblowers haven’t confirmed anything they’re just making claims as well

  12. Current-Question-359 on

    This is like religion. People have already decided that NHI is a real thing. Without any actual evidence.

    Even guys like Joe Rogan and AJ from TheyWhyFiles get lot of hate, if they dare to disagree with this religion.

  13. Taste_the__Rainbow on

    That’s what he’s done since 2015. The most consistently wrong man on a wide range of topics but especially UFOs.

  14. Why dont you tell us then since you know so much. What proof is there about deals with aliens since you took it personal? 

  15. Dr---Midnight on

    I think he’s just so stoned he doesn’t remember what he talked about before with other guests or even believes in. He’s inconsistency is ridiculously frustrating and I don’t know what he’s hoping to prove with his questions. Maybe somebody told him during his last bow hunting/arm wrestling/jerky making/sweat lodge seminar that he needs to act more skeptical.

    Whatever you’re doing it ain’t working with this interview and this topic and this guy Joey.

  16. people just sort of default to the same old tired extra-terrestrial theory and then base all their reasoning on that, as if we are dealing with Klingons or Vulcans or Ferengi.

    people pay lip service to the interdimensional theory but they don’t understand it well enough to base any lines of reasoning on it. so they just default to the ETH and run with it, fa-la-la. imagining trying to make deals with the wormhole aliens from DS9 or the Organians from ToS or the Q from TNG isn’t as fun or as easy as imagining Klingons

    and that’s why we can’t have nice things

  17. Winter-Anywhere-5309 on

    I appreciate the fact that Joe is giving these people a platform despite being skeptical. This is how we are supposed to communicate. He’s not trying to dunk on anyone. In fact, I think this better. He adds credibility to the movement by being skeptical and challenging those who believe. It forces the community to steel man their arguments and bring more evidence to the cause. UFO lore is not a religion and the UFO community is not a tribe.

  18. Onizuka_Olala_ on

    Absolute worthless discussion if you’ve been following the topic for some time.

  19. It’s crazy how much propaganda this is against Joe. You have not followed all the whistleblowers because several have stated what he said. You act like one whistleblower is the only one, when he only says what they asked him to say.

  20. Can you elaborate on why you are against Joe’s argument here?

    Why do you feel humanity is in a position to make deals with an advanced alien species vs them being able to do whatever they want, whenever they want? How do you propose we would stop them?

  21. Clear_Appearance_694 on

    What is this sudden hate for Joe? I listen to his podcasts regularly, and prefer when he is the one calling the fights. I think only losers would find tine and energy to hate on someone who doesn’t even know they exist? Joe is a big ufo believer however you always have to be skeptical so people won’t make a fool out of you

  22. He’s a dude with other interests. Obviously he’s not gonna piss himself over an unconfirmed source. Common sense ppl.

  23. AsparagusPractical85 on

    I’m only confused that Joe wasn’t more stunned by the actual important details of the article. ARVs. Quarantining of NHI UAPs. It’s like he’s been waiting for this since he was a kid, and now that it’s happening he’s closing his eyes.

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