Chinese-language article on Immaculate Constellation features two UFO-related images I have not seen before. What is their known origin? Details in comments.

by PyroIsSpai


  1. #Origin/details on these images?




    Google translated:


    > A shocking whistleblower report has surfaced recently, revealing the Pentagon’s secret UFO data retrieval program, “Immaculate Constellation”, which has been carried out since 2017. This program has previously been outside the supervision of Congress, and now with the exposure of the whistleblower report, its mystery has finally been unveiled.
    > According to the whistleblower, the real purpose of the “Immaculate Constellation” program is to “detect” and “isolate” the best UFO images, videos, eyewitness testimonies, and electronic sensor evidence in the military’s possession. These high-quality multi-sensor UFO data are so strictly controlled that “once mentioned, it may put oneself in danger.”
    > It is reported that the plan was launched as a “top secret” operation after three infrared UFO videos of the US Navy were leaked in 2017. These three videos have not been reasonably explained to this day and have become classic cases in the field of UFO research.
    > However, in the face of the whistleblower’s allegations, a Pentagon spokesman firmly denied the existence of the “Immaculate Constellation” program. He told reporters: “The Department of Defense has no records, either now or in history, of the existence of any special access program (SAP) called ‘Immaculate Constellation’.” According to legal regulations, confidential programs like SAP must be disclosed to the “Gang of Eight”, including the chairmen and senior members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
    > But the whistleblower’s source provided the document to the independent news website Public, claiming that the project is an “Unrecognized Special Access Program” (USAP), which has a unique confidentiality privilege. Defense publication Jane’s Defense first revealed the existence of USAP decades ago, noting that government officials have the power to lie publicly to deny its existence.
    > The leak’s sources also claim that this deception is being repeated today with regard to non-human intelligence (NHI) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). They note that “the executive branch has been managing the UAP/NHI issue for some time, likely decades, without the knowledge, oversight, or authorization of Congress.”
    > The whistleblower describes the Immaculate Constellation USAP as a “strategic intelligence program” that is just one part of how the U.S. military is currently dealing with its UAP “problem.” If proven legitimate, the program would reveal that those infamous Navy UFO videos (like Tic Tac, GOFAST, and Gimbal) are just the tip of the U.S. government UFO data iceberg.
    > The whistleblower report also details several alarming UAP encounters, including one in which a group of “spheres” of UAPs surrounded an F-22 stealth Raptor fighter, forcing it off course. In this incident, “the F-22 broke track and tried to evade, but was intercepted and surrounded by approximately 3-6 UAPs. One of the UAPs maneuvered near the right starboard area of ​​the cockpit, established a strict spatial relationship with the F-22, and despite multiple evasive rolls and maneuvers, maintained its exact position and orientation parallel to the F-22 cockpit.”
    > The whistleblower, whose identity is being kept strictly confidential for his own safety, believes that the real purpose of USAP is to hide these alarming UAP encounters. In his report to Congress, the source described USAP as a “means to enhance internal information security” designed to “capture new UFO reports before they are observed and disseminated within the military intelligence enterprise.”
    > Another former U.S. intelligence official also confirmed the authenticity and existence of “Immaculate Constellation” to Public. He pointed out: “The program is run by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (SEC DEF). They don’t want to admit that it’s true and won’t comment on it.” He also warned that under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), simply saying the name “Immaculate Constellation” publicly is enough to trigger government surveillance of the publisher.
    > While there has been no official confirmation of the Flawless Constellation program, the explosive claims surrounding the project have generated widespread attention. These claims echo public comments from very senior former US intelligence officials who have said we may be witnessing phenomena we don’t yet understand that could involve some type of activity, or even the presence of different life forms.
    > The exposure of this whistleblower report undoubtedly sent a bombshell to the field of UFO research, and also raised more questions and speculations about the true attitude and actions of the US government in this area.

  2. Took me about 8 seconds and a Google Lens search to tell me the spikey ball is a well known type of weather balloon. 

  3. So Immaculate Constellation is the new buzz-term? Has anyone tracked the frequency and timeline of all these buzz-words and terms and supposed secret programs that the CIA/Pentagon keep releasing to obfuscate their own crimes?

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