Christian Virtue: Giving Up Salvation? and taking the mark of the beast?

by AnthonyofBoston


  1. AnthonyofBoston on

    To gain a following, a new concept is being devised, by which it can be considered a Christian virtue to give up salvation, in what would be a form of perditionism.

    Has any Christian ever thought about approaching eschatology with such a perspective? I mean, lets look at Anthony’s work. For the past 5 years, He has purposely taken on the role of the false prophet, having called down fire from heaven since 2019. In fact, he declared Revelation 13:13 fulfilled back in 2020. he had no idea I would fulfill that prophecy 5 times over by predicting rocket fire escalation time periods accurately for five consecutive years straight.

    When he started this journey as a Christian back in 2019, writing “Ares Le Mandat”, he only intended for that work to serve as a form of apologetics for Catholicism and the error of Vatican II, but as he was writing, a part of him felt a duty to take it upon himself to fulfill the eschaton and take on the role of the false prophet, since it was clear that he knew exactly what had to be done. Why leave it in the hands of someone else, when he was the one who received the revelation? his work can be said to be Satan inspired.

    If you read that 800 page book, “Ares Le Mandat”, you’d see how he repeatedly mentions what the role of false prophet would require. Now having taken on the role and fulfilling it in real time, he has been requesting the next part of the prophecy, that is, getting people to make an image of the beast, which he calls “Armaaruss”. This part he cannot fulfill. The people must do it.

    The question is what is wrong with a Christian giving up their salvation to fulfill the eschaton by making an image to Armaaruss and then taking the mark of the beast by identifying with the Mars 360 system? It seems like a noble pursuit–giving up eternal pleasure for the sake of fulfilling the word.

    Maybe the idea of spending eternity in the lake of fire serves as a deterrence, but what is the lake of fire? All it is is eternal separation from God. Hell is a place one should want to avoid. However, taking the mark will not bring a person to hell. The lake of fire and hell are two different things. Hell is eternal torment, which will ultimately be thrown in the lake of fire. So why should anyone fear going to the lake of fire, if it is not hell?

    Anthony believes that Christians need to re-examine how they view eschatology, because it seems pretty clear that its fulfillment will have to be carried out by believers who have done the noble thing and given up their place in heaven for an eternity in the lake of fire in order for the word to be fulfilled

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