This might be the first time that I want something to be strictly based off of my stupidity, and general lack of awareness. I only ask that you wait until after a solution has been posted, for you to begin the pointing, laughing, and throwing things. Thanks

I found one of these magnifying LED floor lamps with an adjustable neck – a freebie that someone left out after their yardsale. At the time, I didn’t notice it was lacking a power cord, or as far as I can tell, a place for batteries.
And I could swear that I tested the light at some point, but if I did, it couldn’t have been plugged into anything because there is no plug!

Look, I already know I’m not bright, but this shouldn’t be something that takes more than 20 seconds to figure out, TOPS! (and that’s if you’re hungover, haven’t slept for 4 days, or you’re just wicked retahded – which is a word I’m going to regret using as soon as someone tells me what i’m missing)

All jokes aside, this is seriously freaking me out, I hope someone can help me understand WTF is going on here. Oh, and there’s no brand name on the thing to look up some info (plus i tried a reverse image search, didn’t really get anything from it )
I’ve included some pics showing that there are wires leading into the neck, but no opening at the other end, where you’d think they’d continue or have one of those fancy magnet connections, but nope, just plastic (again, as far as I can tell, but my eyes are pretty bad)

by Jim-Panzy

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