I’m personally captivated by the [*”Alien Race book”*](https://www.docdroid.net/9wcc/alien-race-book-arb-pdf) and made the decision to utilize the latest AI image updates. I inputted the descriptions provided in the book, focusing on the ANUNAKENE and the ZETA RETICULAI (aka Shambhala).


>*They come from planet Nibirue (aka Nibiru).*
>*Their planet is part of the same solar system as Earth, but with a much longer orbit…it comes closer to the Sun every 4.000 years, and not every 3.500 years as commonly accepted.*
>*They resemble Humans but are higher (2.5 meters/8) and more muscular.*
>*When they first visited Earth there were already other races established here…some malevolent and with supernatural powers.*
>*The Anunakene defeated them and became the most powerful race on Earth.*
>*They genetically engineered the most intelligent non-alien beings on Earth (us…at the time not much more than smart primates) in order to have a race of slaves at their disposal.*
>*\*At the time Samael amd Lilith were the Anunakene King and Queen.*
>*They were not aware of the presence of Reptilians on Earth.*
>*They only cooperate with one other race: the Zeta Reticulai. Not to be confused with the Solipsi Rai (aka “grays”).*
>*Eventually they left Earth (unknown reasons) but before they left they created a sub-species of the Zeta…this species eventually became rulers of Egypt (Pharaohs) until the Reptilians infiltrated them (as Temple Priests) and ended their Reign.*
>*They gave birth to the legends about “giants”.*


>*Often confused (because of their appearance) with the races Maitre and Solipsi Rai (the “grays”).*
>*They come from constellation Nets.*
>*They are allies of the Anunnaki and cooperate with them in different planets…they are the representants of the Anunnaki on Earth and send them information about Humans and this planet at least 25 times per year.*
>*The Anunnaki created a sub-species of the Zeta with the purpose of making them look more Human-like…but leaving enough physical differences for Humans to distinguished them.*
>*They became some of the Pharaohs of Egypt.*

Here are the results — pretty interesting!

[ANUNAKENE ](https://preview.redd.it/zg59rwncykrb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4f884941094dc028e8bfdc7bb9429b7600fd79d)

[ZETA RETICULAI](https://preview.redd.it/ivt8nxncykrb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e6e94f9a867436e1168b805f88a71298e396180)


by Nelashena

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