These are serious rituals done by the superstitious Military Junta In our country.

In Myanmar, a war to take down a Military Junta is happening. It’s been almost 3 years since the Coup Happened. Because of the prolonged war, everyone is sick and suffering. A lot of deaths are happening right now. But the world abandoned us when Ukraine happened. If you don’t know Myanmar, we are a country that is connected with India, China and Thailand.

Myanmar is one of the worst countries to live in the world right now. I think A lot about whether or not to post here. Original Picture from one of the famous activists you can see through this link



[One of the resistance Leader with statues ](


This happened in August 2023. When People Defense Force (PDF), resistance forces take one of the Military Junta base “Lat Khat Taung”. Where many superstitious Ritual “Yadaya” are found. Grey-ish statue included.

Yadaya aka Rituals


Wizards and Woos

[The Wizards of Myanmar | 101 East Documentary](

Junta forces tried hard to get the base back because of the rituals. The current status of the base is unknown because it’s a war zone.

Ritualistic Statues, deformed, intentionally put in the cage. They detained our leader famous “Aung San Suu Kyi” and many other politicians. During 2 and a half period, many are tortured and killed.

Grey statue imprisoned along with Buddha statue and Everybody loving “Jaja binks” .



For god sake, if not for Jaja binks, this could be a huge serious ritual because everyone in Myanmar knows they do this stuff all the time and we are not sure why they got all the luck for decades. So I am thinking a lot before posting it here. Still, I do think it is no joke. Check the quality. For your reference, the previous Junta Head did some of these deformed Buddha statues too. Myanmar people worship Buddha statues so for general people, it’s scary and funny at the same time. Even more now with some of the disclosure proceedings. Although we always laugh them at, they keep on doing this kind of thing.

For reference, Previous Junta Head rituals can also be seen as follows.

[Previous Junta](


[Statues at Nay Pyi Daw , Junta Fortress](


[Deformed Finger and structures](

[3 Fingers?](

[Predator Languages?](


Those who prepare and instruct these rituals are very famous and rich/under the radar. Some are very famous Myanmar Buddhist monks. Some even have millions of followers across the country.


[Min Aung Hlaing , Myanmar Junta Head. ](

[Junta supporting super famous, powerful monks ](

So these things are serious. At least for them (we are talking about the Terror Coup leader group that has been in power for almost 3 years now. Regardless of resistance hard work. As a civilian, we do trust it is a matter of time before the junta goes down.

But before going down, the Junta also made this giant pagoda. You can see in the below links that is also created in Ritualistic ways.

Latest Yadaya Giant Pagoda






This famous young wizard in Myanmar was detained for 2 years by the Junta because he did voodoo stuff to the Junta Head.

The whole case is very absurd. I am also a sceptic guy but as one of the citizens of Myanmar, I can’t help but think all these rituals done by the Junta are working. These Yadaya rituals are carefully prepared and are no joke because of all the money involved. They reign with terror but Myanmar people know that they are serious about those rituals and it seems like these rituals are the most important things they are doing all the time.

If not for Jaja binks . . . . .

More Read. . .





by Ok-Specialist6205

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