Partial Solar Eclipse with Hydrogen Alpha Sun through clouds

by njoker555

1 Comment

  1. Didn’t think I’d get to see anything at all since it was overcast and but the clouds were thin enough at times for the h-alpha wavelength to cut through. I captured as much as I could. This is a stack of about 450 frames. I have more that I need to process and probably add on to this.

    I have a video showcasing my gear and capture process here:

    The image was taken with this equipment:

    Equipment used:
    * Lunt 40
    * Sky-Watcher SolarQuest
    * QHY5-III 178m
    * FireCapture, PIPP, AutoStakkert!3, AstroSurface
    * Colorization in Photoshop via curves adjustments

    You can see a higher resolution at

    My YouTube:

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