Map of UAP report locations and map of nuclear reactor locations

by lilluxyy


  1. disinformation-agent on

    The question is also how large the number of unreported cases is. Democracies with well-developed infrastructures and developed transparency and information systems exist in North America, Europe and Japan. There are agencies that record UFO sightings and keep records of them. If there are no such developments elsewhere, there are not necessarily fewer sightings. But they are not recorded and do not appear in the statistics. It was similar with Covid: If you do not test, you will find nothing. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

    However, I do not want to say that the theory is wrong. But you always have to consider side effects.

  2. According_Minute_587 on

    i would expect more sightings over russia with all their nuclear tests. the tsar bomba should have woken up some aliens to come investigate

  3. Same comment as with the last one this has been posted:

    There’s about as much overlap as the zeta reticuli map, ie only as much as you want to see.

    There no NPP in Poland (where the only spot is) but plenty in western Europe (where there isn’t).
    There’s no NPP in the gulf, yet plenty of sighting.
    Plenty of NPP in us inland, but sightings on the coasts.
    Have you seen the Chinese west coast, more like nuclear coat? Yet no sighting there.

    Yes, there is [evidence]( of correlation between nuclear facilities and uap activity; this map isn’t one of them.

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