Last Saturday I captured my first annular eclipse. This was taken using multiple telescopes from a desert in Utah to capture the moon perfectly centered in front of the sun.

by ajamesmccarthy

1 Comment

  1. ajamesmccarthy on

    On Saturday I set up 5 telescopes in a remote part of Utah to be dead-center in the path of the eclipse, allowing me to capture this perfect photo of the sun’s path of travel. This photo was captured using 4 different telescopes- 2 at a long focal length and 2 at a shorter focal length. This allowed me to capture the final photo as a detailed mosaic in multiple wavelengths. The white-light filters captured the solar photosphere, and the hydrogen alpha telescopes captured the chromosphere, which is why you can see prominences hanging off the solar limb. Those aren’t usually visible in these types of photos.

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