Not a serious topic for discussion in this sub–at least–not as they are currently presented. There are near daily posts with duplicated misinformation. There is ample evidence these are constructed puppets. Either recently with looted bones, or in the past by the Nazca culture. If they were indeed constructed by the Nazca culture, in proximity to the Nazca lines, that is a fascinating thing to discuss. However, we have been unable to get to that point because of the insistence these are actual beings. We need to talk about that.

Do these numerous posts prove the puppets/mummies are actual beings?

[No, its doesn’t](

[We’ve been here before with Muassan](

[They are painfully obvious fakes.](

[This is one aimed at having kids understand](

[Deniers go on about ‘direct access’ and here is one who says they aren’t aliens.]( (Interestingly he does think they were constructed at the time of the carbon dating rather than recently using looted bodies, and that WOULD be an interesting discussion to have, but we first need to let go of the “alien being” thing before we can do that…)

[Others still see them as modern fabrications using looted bodies.]( These are painfully and obviously not living things and they were clearly constructed. [The original guy associated with these even says as much]( “if you are using google translate on his website, it will say ‘armed’ and not make much sense to you – it means constructed). The only question is when were they constructed? And that’s an interesting question (especially given their supposed proximity to the Nazca lines) but the discussion has been totally derailed by the repeated false claims that these are actual beings while providing no evidence.

[Some of the DNA samples are 100% human](

There is zero evidence suggesting these are real beings and lots proving they are puppets/dolls. The occasional “professional” who says they believe they are alien is not evidence. That is not how science works. They need to submit evidence to support that claim, which none have done so. The most they have done, is misrepresent or obfuscate the data (such as suggesting unidentified DNA means extraterrestrial). You can find numerous academics who believe in God, is that evidence God is real?

I had said I was done trying to explain how obvious this hoax is but I have been sucked back in. I can’t let daily misinformation go unaddressed. It is possible these recurrent posts are simply born out of enthusiasm, but the ‘discussions’ within them are always done in bad faith with an unwillingness to debate the evidence and a wealth of personal attacks. For context, I am an archaeologist and looting is a serious problem in South America. So I have a dog in this fight, you could say. I personally know what a tragedy looting is and how much we lose because of it. And before you say I am “in on the conspiracy” – I became an archaeologist precisely because I wanted to be able to see the information from *the inside* and have the skills and knowledge to find proof of some of the incredible claims about our past if they are indeed there (nothing so far, I hate to say–thoough these puppets, *if indeed archaeological*, combined with the Nazca lines–are intriguing). The debate should be centered around whether these puppets are archaeological and smuggled out of Peru, or if they are modern and used chopped up looted archaeological human remains. Desecrating human remains is objectively wrong and allowing this to continue without applying critical thinking is irresponsible. Whether this is a crime of smuggling or a crime of desecrating is what needs to be established. They are not alien beings. Giving this hoax more attention without critical thinking will:

* This surely will only encourage looters more.
* If we ever do come across serious archaeological evidence of aliens, this hoax will make that an uphill battle, if not impossible.
* The sheer lunacy of this obvious hoax is making a mockery of the UAP discussion and could drive it back out of the mainstream and undermine the decades of work people like George Knapp have done all so Jamie can sell DVDs and get paid for presentations when we already have all the evidence needed that this is a hoax.
* At the same time, if these puppets are archaeological in nature, one could postulate as to why the Nazca designed them in this way, especially with the already enigmatic Nazca lines. Yet this fixation on them being actual beings despite evidence to the contrary is preventing that.
* If you aren’t applying a shred of critical thinking here and are relying on Jamie and his team of hoaxers to be the definitive voice on this, you are part of the problem. Seek out what other (actual) experts are saying, and even better–as I have always encouraged–look at the data *yourself (via links within the first link)*. Don’t rely on a hoaxer telling you what the data means. The hoax is there for us all to see. Lets please shift this discussion to the actual interesting part: Are these archaeoloigcal puppets or not? And if they are, why were they designed to look so similar to the classic and apparently modern idea of an alien?

by TomHanksYo


  1. I purchased the chapter “Fake and Alien Mummies” from “The Handbook of Mummy Studies” because it has a discussion of this and I thought it was worth the money.

    I’ve shared a few quotes from the chapter supporting the analysis by multiple independent experts that the little aliens are dolls with mammal skulls. I feel that this is the sort of concrete and well-sourced expert analysis that people would want to see when they ask “wow, could those really be aliens?”

    But there is a broader discussion in there, it’s not just focused on the shape of the skulls. So I thought I would share another angle of criticism towards these mummies with another quote from the book, for the benefit of everyone who wants to learn:

    >Besides the daring anatomical inconsistencies, there are several missing elements that the producers of this hoax just decided to bypass: the study of the archaeological context and paraphernalia of the bodies found. The adamant neglect to follow the archaeological method, applicable even in the case of fortuitous finds by lay people, is very revealing. Most of the assembly appears covered by a coat of dusty white diatomite powder which is otherwise inexistent in the Peruvian archaeological record. Nevertheless, despite its supposedly ancient age, the coat is perfectly clean, and as seen on images posted online by the producers, it is detaching very easily, revealing the true dark color beneath, characteristic of Andean mummies. Moreover, over some protruding parts of the bodies, such as the knees, imprints from the original textiles wrapping the sitting cadavers, are visible. Where are the textiles? The inconsistencies and fabrications of this assembly are just grotesque.
    >Besides mutilations and manipulations, another novel level of abuse should not be disregarded, as the whole development of the Andean culture is placed under a question mark and belittled; its achievements all of the sudden denied by a hypothetical participation of a somehow superior alien race (Heaney 2017).

  2. It appears that some people can’t fathom a con artist like this.

    But when those same people learn that he does stuff like this all the time, they oddly don’t back down. They say this time is different…

    Every hoax has a long term (sometimes years) plan to con people and make money. Of course they are going to try and turn a profit eventually. He is already charging for speaking engagements about the mummies.

    And every hoax runs the risk of getting caught. That is the cost of doing business. The people executing the hoax don’t give a fuck, they are con artist.

    Jaime Maussan is a reporter turned actor. He was caught in 2015 attempting to say that a literal human child was an alien body.

    He did the same for a Monkey and a Bat.

    The doctor verifying the previous hoax was the same guy that Maussan teamed up with to push fake Covid cures in 2020.

    The current “doctor” on call is a tv whore that pushes his cure for being homosexual.

    You won’t see a disinterested foreign biologist come near these things.


    Keep in mind, it is commonplace for good people to unknowingly join a hoax. You are going to see it this time around as well. People get tricked and become believers (see any religion).

    Everyone on this sub believes there is a damn good chance we are not alone out there. We want to be proven correct. Maussan only sets us back.

  3. Thank you for compiling all of this. I’ve already gone through most of it from having seen your replies on other threads about this, but it’s nice to have it all in one place to refer back to.

  4. Yeah, it’s a hoax. But some people love getting into this stuff. I’ve shared all the info about I can, but people who are too lazy to do the research just attack you. We can’t do nothing at this point. Let them enjoy.

  5. the-claw-clonidine on

    Agree so much. I am a radiologist and none of the anatomy and therefore proposed physiology makes sense. Also, having immature/prepubescent bones adds to the weirdness. Message me if there is anything I can help provide from a medical prospective OP

  6. “Ridicule is not part of the scientific method” — J Allen Hynek

    Regardless of what you believe, the bodies are hard evidence and have been studied by dozens of doctors and scientists and are continuing to be studied by more scientists at different universities now. People are sharing updates as more analysis and research comes in. No one is selling you a book, trying to get your vote, or leaving a bread crumb trail of clues to figure out — it’s just good old fashioned hard evidence with data being shared openly. If you care about the truth, this is exactly what you should want.

    It’s ironic how quickly some UFO believers become hard core advocates for censorship whenever it comes to topics they don’t personally believe in. We don’t need people policing discussion, we need more open research exactly like what is being done with the mummies.

  7. BooRadleysFriend on

    Haven’t some scientists in Mexico done extensive scans on these and determined they weren’t stitched together but all one cohesive specimen? The article I read said there were no internal scar marks between the joints. I think it’s a little pretentious to say this is an obvious hoax- not that anyone actually knows what a real mummy alien looks like. Are the scientists who did the scans incompetent or in on the hoax?

  8. Dads_going_for_milk on

    I don’t understand why you guys care so much. If you’re interested, click the post. If you aren’t and think they’re fake, don’t and downvote it.

  9. There are seriously two opposing sides here & both apparently claim to have strong evidence to support their conclusions.

    For example:
    For: Blood vessels, nerves & organs intact. Impossible to “compile”. etc.

    Against: Non-functional anatomy that would easily be due to “compilation” by an amateur. etc.

    I kindly advice anyone who is quick to take sides to hold on a bit from drawing conclusions. Let more accurate data accumulate & follow it wherever it takes us.

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