He was just east of Houston, Tx circling around to San Antonio last night. Not satellites. Kept reappearing. Would move around and disappear. Get bright then vanish. I’ve always asked him to send me videos if he ever saw anything and he definitely came through. Sorry for the potato quality video but it gets the point across.

by crm006


  1. Similar sightings by pilots

    https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/168xkbg/my_video_of_unexplained_points_of_light_fading_in/ video, from airplane, OP is a pilot, multiple objects observed, fleet, video shows single light object, also threelights, triangle, directly in front, multicolored, some movement observed, both relative in my windscreen, relative to each other and relative to the stars in the background., duration 30-45 minutes, three witnesses, [GOODPOST], each object in view for a varying amount of time.

    https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1637tul/orbs_i_spotted_at_one_of_the_airports_i_fly_out_of/ video, evening cloudy sky, near airport, OP is a pilot, fleet observed, video shows about three single light object, color change, flickering, southern Illinois, moving against the wind, moving straight, disappeared into clouds

    -And for reference, here’s an article about starlink. They are low to the horizon and flare briefly. They don’t stay lit like the object in this video, and they don’t show colors like in this video.

    Thanks for posting!


  2. My brother recorded this yesterday at 36,000ft. Commercial airline pilot.

    He was just east of Houston, Tx circling around to San Antonio last night. Not satellites. Kept reappearing. Would move around and disappear. Get bright then vanish. I’ve always asked him to send me videos if he ever saw anything and he definitely came through. Sorry for the potato quality video but it gets the point across.

    He thinks there is a possibility they weren’t even in atmosphere. They were moving extremely fast to be so far away. Looked pretty dang far away to me too. The camera couldn’t even tell what to focus on as it kept getting blurry when the light would get brighter.

    I’ve observed satellites spinning and flashing and fading before but they are in a straight trajectory. These clearly are bobbing and weaving.

    I’ve always been a believer but I am not sure if he was before last night. Especially because he’s never seen anything and has been in the air for 15+ years.

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