Hello Reddit. I’ve come to tell you of some of my discoveries in this whole escapade of uncovering truth. I posted back christmas eve of last year. It has officially been over one year on this exploration. I have discovered telling things and though you may chalk it up to paradolia id like to give you my understanding of the things that have happened since that time being.

To begin I’d like to state that this event is still being investigated by multiple minds and that have merely scratched its surface.

June 16th spectrogram https://imgur.com/gallery/DEZU2xv

In this spectrogram of the june 16th 2023 event I have made 2 key discoveries.

Firstly: our Nazca buddies make an appearance! On the bottom left of this photo graph you can see an enlongated head being resembling our nazca buddies fully fleshed out. I had not noticed this until as of recently.
GREY ALIEN FACE found in June 16th spectrogram. https://imgur.com/gallery/Z8wNGiC

Note: The mexican UAP hearing was around September 13, 2023

3 months after this “Message” our nazca buddies pop up in official Latan American politics.

Secondly I have made another discovery
A “hint” if you will

They left behind an equation. Ienstiens theory of realativity revised.
EMC^(π) https://imgur.com/gallery/RTNieE7

This may be a stretch, but i think they are suggesting that our reality is relevant to precieved dimension.

The search continues! Will post updates as time goes on.

by Acrobatic_Traffic408

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