>**How this relates to UFO’s**

>In a recent episode of TGTS this was addressed [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvcoK1_HoA&t=1h39m)
[The bodies were found with stone carvings of UFOs. ](https://mcdowellfirm.com/of-artifacts-and-insectoids/)In a culture with no written language this is a historical account of a being and it’s craft much the same as any other story such as Roswell.

>They were unveiled at a UFO hearing in Mexico.

>They were found in Nazca, where similar beings are depicted and tales of beings coming from the stars in pumpkins go back thousands of years.

>They have hard links to ufology outside of this sub. They are a part of UFO lore at this point.

Given the recent community interest in [TGTS excellent podcast on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvcoK1_HoA) I have an update many of you will be happy to hear. Lots of you have said (like myself) you would like to see the DICOM files released. Following on from the show Matt [tweeted](https://x.com/GoodTroubleShow/status/1805787985956532421?t=GGy_i_eWyF8Rst064eCztw&s=19):

>May I suggest you release the raw DICOM data first.

Sure enough, [Maussan responded](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1dos20v/i_thought_this_was_an_interesting_development_to/#lightbox) to both Matt and Garry Nolan:

>Give me you personal email, tomorrow I will send you tens of \[gigabytes\] of the maximum technology studies to all the tridactyl beings being analysed, and you will publish them in your program.

That sounds to me like not only is the DICOM being provided, but he’s going to give them much more data for them to make public.

Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on that DICOM data. Bring it on.

by Strange-Owl-2097

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