This is in my opinion the best ufo video. There are many similar ones but this one is magnificent! Do you think there is one that is better? Send it!

[Exclusive New York City “UFO” Footage – YouTube](

Here is a docymentery about the orbs, its really good! I know, some videos are fake and its old, But check it out.
[UFO: FLYING SPHERES – mysterious objects. Леденящий ужас. (](

Here are a few more for the sake of it!
[UFO explosion caught on camera (](

[Nasa admitting Existence of UFOs – Wayne Hale, Nasa Space shuttle program manager (](

[July 2, 2017|3 Red Orb UFOs Triangle United Kingdom (Multiple Witnesses) (](

First time we got the orbs on video!
[1954 UFO Excerpt 250226-02 | Footage Farm (](

I have several acquaintances who have seen these triangle orbs. One of them got the whoo after. Patrick Jackson has an idea of how these work. But I don’t agree with that idea completely. I have one of my own, which I will bring up in a later thread. If you are interested in his idea, he has a book, just search for his name on google.

Peace out!

by Fearless-Run6386

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