BBC News: UFOs: From psychology to air traffic, are we closer now to an answer?

by silv3rbull8


  1. Submission Statement

    As the new series of the BBC’s Paranormal looks into alleged UFO sightings, one aerospace expert says accessible, modern technology puts us in a stronger position than ever to work out what’s going on in the skies above us.

    Dr Ryan Marks, an aerospace engineer who appears in Paranormal, says air traffic in the sky could also offer plausible explanations for UFO sightings, particularly around built-up areas where there are airfields.

    Around the mid-1970s to early 1980s, Dr Marks says developments were taking place in the UK exploring hot air balloons and airships – and some “would resemble traditional UFOs”.
    He notes, however, these were “small-scale” experiments that did not get outside of the air hangar.

    In a statement, an MOD spokesperson added: “In over 50 years, no sightings of extraterrestrial intelligence, Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena reported to us indicated the existence of any military threat to the United Kingdom.”

  2. UnlimitedPowerOutage on

    Wow, they even included some photos from the Nazca mummies….

    Just kidding, it’s the same nonsense trying to explain all this away we’ve had for years, thanks BBC.

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