In late December 1954, reports went out across Cuba that a large metallic flying disk had landed in the still under-construction stadium named ‘Coliseo De La Ciudad Deportivo’ in Havana. The authorities, including the police and firefighters arrived and secured the area, and thousands of people gathered to see the disc for themselves. As panic began to spread, mechanized artillery was brought in, and armed officers mounted and attempted to board the craft, and then things really got crazy, when in scenes reminiscent of Close Encounters of The Third Kind, the disc started to make strange sounds and to play music…

[Image from Canal Caribe on Youtube ](

 Of course this was an elaborate hoax; a young television director named Joaquin Miguel Condall, in collaboration with a group of talented artists and set designers, had conceived of the spectacle to advertise a new television program. It all seems like light hearted fun now, but the panic and the intense scenes that unfolded were certainly no hoax. This strange, and largely forgotten, under-reported moment in Cuba’s history, stands as a case study in UFO mass hysteria, similar to Orson Wells’ broadcast of War of the Worlds. The chaotic scenes that unfolded might give us, and authorities around the world, a sobering insight into what a genuine ‘uncontrolled disclosure’ event looks like,  a vision of what might actually happen if aliens were to suddenly ‘land on the White House lawn’…

I will put this question to you: If reports went out today that a UFO had just landed in your city, would you be happy to stay home and watch the events unfold on news and social media? Or would you want to join the thousands of others, and go to the place to see it with your own eyes, and be a first hand witness to this moment in history? I will leave you to decide…

Here is a link to the original story (in Spanish) here: [](

Special thanks to GFP in Havana for her translations and fact checking, in the production of this….I hope you enjoyed the article, and as always, I welcome your comments and your insights, and I wish you a good day.

by B6TM6N

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