Someone earlier this week posted that they are surprised that all this UFO and alien stuff is finally coming out and nobody gives a damn. Back to their slave jobs and slave lives and don’t care, don’t think. Same old, same old. The biggest info ever to come out and looks like the government handlers have successfully mind controlled society and financially enslaved us to not care or do anything about it. To much other shit going on in their lives. That much is fare. But when I surf reddit and social media platforms, it does seems like the FLAT EARTH garbage along with Project Blue Beam, is making people believe their is nothing out their. THERE IS NO SPACE. Which I believe is a psyop so people don’t expand their consciousness and perception of the possibilities of life or anything, off this planet. Again, back to their slave reality.

Project Blue Beam we all know is the fake alien invasion done by government to make people believe we are being invaded and a global tyrannical government will form to “protect” us from bad ET’s. We will be enslaved and forced on Artificial Intelligence (transhumanism) for our protection and safety. Well it looks like we don’t need to be invaded by aliens for that to happen because it’s already happening. But the hole project blue beam is so out there, circulated so much, it seems it was meant to happen. If there is a real alien invasion (plot twist, we have already been invaded a thousand times over by hundreds of ET’s that work with earth governments) nobody would care and think it’s fake. Like space, and some who believe all aliens and UFO’s are demons.

From my research, and I make documentaries on youtube about it here, [\_Knowledge]( I believe our black budget is hiding from us the fact they are in communication with ET’s and extra dimensional beings and have created a secret space programs that exploits time travel, Ancient Earth Portals and stargates from past advanced civilizations, spirit and consciousness transfer, cloning technology and so much more. THIS is what they are hiding, and don’t want us to know. What do y’all think?

by Possible_Nature2169

1 Comment

  1. ThorGanjasson on


    At best – you are a sincere person accidentally confusing the conversation further.

    Worst case – you are controlled opposition meant to obfuscate.

    Either case – stupid stance that cant be entertained (inception levels of hypotheticals).

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