Ranking House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Member Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) dismissed UAP transparency last week and claims there is “nothing there” in an [interview with journalist Matt Laslo](https://www.askapol.com/p/himes-dismisses-senate-uap-hearing-w-aaro). Rep. Himes stated that he was briefed by AARO and believes that “Senators need to get briefed and then move on”, adding that “there’s thousands of people out there who wake up in the morning desperate for there to be evidence of alien life, but there’s none.”

This morning, former Department of Defense official Marik von Rennenkampff [called on Rep. Jim Himes to publicly comment](https://x.com/MvonRen/status/1807828700232405092) on [UAP disclosure legislation](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text), [statements from his own political party](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/majority-leader-schumer-and-republican-senator-mike-rounds-floor-colloquy-on-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-provisions-in-the-ndaa-and-future-legislation-on-uaps), and [last year’s floor speech from Sen. Chuck Schumer](https://x.com/SenSchumer/status/1735006291808969029) in the context of his recent statements. If you would like to ask Congressman Himes for an explanation, you are welcome to [contact his Washington DC office](https://himes.house.gov/office-locations) at (202) 225-5541. As of this afternoon, Rep. Himes has not yet addressed the comments he made last week.

*”The United States government has gathered a great deal of information about UAPs over many decades but has refused to share it with the American people. That is wrong and additionally breeds mistrust.”*

*”We have also been notified by multiple credible sources that information on UAPs has also been withheld from Congress, which if true is a violation of laws requiring full notification to the legislative branch — especially as it relates to the four congressional leaders, the defense committees, and the intelligence committee.”*

**(10) LEGACY PROGRAM.** — The term “legacy program” means all Federal, State, and local government, commercial industry, academic, and private sector endeavors to collect, exploit, or reverse engineer technologies of unknown origin or examine biological evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence that pre-dates the date of the enactment of this Act.

**(12) NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.** — The term “non-human intelligence” means any sentient intelligent non-human lifeform regardless of nature or ultimate origin that may be presumed responsible for unidentified anomalous phenomena or of which the Federal Government has become aware.

**(a) EXERCISE OF EMINENT DOMAIN.** — The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled.

by v022450781

1 Comment

  1. I’m hoping that soon we all will publicly witness these people eat their words.

    As it stands, like plenty here, I have spent years investing my personal time in learning about all of this. There is more than enough “there” there for anyone that has even half of a functioning brain. 

    I have seen a UFO myself in 2008 (possibly plasma, who knows) and that aside you just can’t ignore the genuinely staggering amount of claims across the globe, across all walks of life, across decades upon decades. 

    It’s obvious with the amount of reporting going on, and the deflecting and obfuscating that is occuring that a hive has been stirred and all resources are attempting to do damage control. No amount of dickheads like Hines are going to convince me otherwise.

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