I took a trip to the Seattle area two weekends ago and took some pics of Mt. Rainier while I was stopped at a red light. I took 4 burst photos on my iPhone 15 and put my phone back down. But when I finally sat down to look at them I noticed an object on the left hand side of my last picture. Luckily, the pic was a Live Photo (2nd pic). I was able to zoom in and put some basic filters on it to enhance the object (first photo)

In the 2 sec video you can see something fly at a very high speed from the left side of the mountain range to the middle of the screen before I put my phone down.

Original Video: https://imgur.com/gallery/X3H2AiF

I slowed the video down to 1/8x play speed, you can clearly see it barely make it over the left side of the mountain range and rise up to the left shoulder of the peak until I put my phone down.

Slo Mo Video: https://imgur.com/a/ycfBpP5

In general, it seems too large and too far to be a bug, too fast to be a plane, clearly moves across the screen so it doesn’t seem like a camera artifact. I’m open to any and all analysis but I’ve been stumped so far.

by JDuWhyYouDoThat

1 Comment

  1. Key_Resident5935 on

    It looks like a bird 1000 times closer to the camera than the mountain.

    It doesn’t look too big for that, especially since we don’t know its distance or its size, so we can’t tell, but based on how it looks, that’s the best thing to assume.

    We got lots of birds in Washington, and a bird can fly across your frame in less than the blink of an eye.

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