John Greenewald is currently trying to spread doubt about Dave Grusch’s Op-Ed. This is a reminder that Rep. Eric Burlison confirmed in March that he personally has Dave Grusch’s Op-Ed, shown to him by Grusch himself. And he doesn’t know why it hasn’t been approved.

by TommyShelbyPFB


  1. TommyShelbyPFB on


    FOIA boy Greenewald over here has apparently moved on from trying to discredit Lue Elizondo to rage-baiting about Dave Grusch.

    Not sure what he’s insinuating there, but either way this is a reminder that the Op-Ed exists, and people in government have seen it.

  2. encinitas2252 on

    Didn’t anyone teach that guy sometimes it’s better to just keep your mouth shut?

  3. Greenewald doesn’t like the idea of whistleblowers because they make FOIA less important

  4. If the government won’t approve it they won’t approve it. This feels very petty. Then again so did his false attack on Elizando

  5. KathleenSlater on

    I admire the FOIA work Greenewald has done, but I question his rationale on Twitter quite a lot of the time. He can be obtuse and narrow-minded sometimes. Personally I think you *have* to be open-minded on this subject because so much of it is unknown.

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