UFO only visible in infrared filmed by police helicopter | ITV News

by silv3rbull8


  1. silv3rbull8 on

    Submission Statement

    From 2016

    A police helicopter has filmed an unidentified flying object, only visible using an infrared camera.

    The footage was tweeted by the National Police Air Service St Athan account.

    According to the tweet, nothing was seen in the area by local air traffic control.

    In the video, the images switches between daylight and infrared imaging. Only when on infrared is the object visible.

    Responding to questions on twitter, the object was described as ‘hot’ and travelling into the wind.

    Because of this, it’s thought not to have been a lantern.

    The object was spotted over the Bristol channel, flying at around 1,000ft.

  2. Clearly disc shaped. Why aren’t people recording clear images of UFOs? Part of it is they are looking in the wrong spectrum. Their cloaking capabilities are astounding. 

  3. The video definitely doesn’t show it invisible to a visible light camera, and 20:20 on September 20 in Wales is pretty much night time.

  4. No-Ninja455 on

    Reminds me of this incident where back in the day the RAF scrambled aircraft to investigate a radar blip, but they couldn’t see anything.

      Radar was adamant, pilots however saw nothing with their own eyes.

     ‘ ‘The briefing told us the bogey was travelling at very high speed,’ Michael told me. ‘It appeared to be the size of an aircraft and it was a continuous trace. 

    It didn’t appear and disappear. That’s why we had to take a look’. Ground control told him that at times it was stationary, but it had ‘supernatural manoeuvring properties’ that included the ability to change direction and height at fantastic speeds. 

     Forrest and the pilot of a second Vampire were vectored onto the blip at 30,000 feet. ‘At first it seemed like a normal interception. But when we got near it into a position where we should have been able to have a visual there was nothing to see,’ he said ‘


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