Hi all, im not much of a reddit poster

I just watched this movie, "No One Will Save You", it was an okay movie, entertaining. But there was this one scene where the girl is trapped in the light when shes on the ship, its dark and the aliens are standing around and above her, looking down at her.
It immediately reminded me of a lucid dream I had 2 years ago. During this period I was challenging a friend (and myself) to learn how to lucid dream so we can see eachother more (gross, I know) anyways I kept trying and reading tips and tricks and eventually it happened. When it happened it was evening, maybe 7pm, I was reading the book "Abduction" by John E Mack (of course) when I decided to put the book down and close my eyes, I remember not being too tired, I quickly fell into this dream that started as any nonsensical dream, I was at a childhood house and leaving to walk to the bus stop, a bunch of random stuff was happening and I realized…"omg im dreaming"…and one of the tricks I read about talked about trying to fly once you suspect a dream, so I did, I jumped and sure enough I was floating, but my controls werent good, so I kept going up and up and up until the sky became dark, I remember thinking or saying "okay, id like to return to earth now" and eventually it felt like I stopped and started descending and then boom, I stop, its still dark and I see this white-ish figures standing around me, they didnt have much form or a face, more of an outline, but they were looking down on me like I was a fish in a globe. Then i hear this dismebodied voice, sounded both male and female, say "when you wake you will remember a particular dream", and sure enough I did.
Months after I came across the above photo on FB, and was shocked, it was a very colorful version of what I saw that dream, although less figures.
Ive always had strange paranormal experiences as a girl, and throughout my life, so this isnt that strange, but its definitely one of my most mysterious experiences. I cant help but wonder, is it aliens? Are aliens guardian angels? Or could be? Has something similar ever happened to you? Or can anyone else suggest something hing to google or look into? Im so curious. Thank you.

by Expert-Reveal7302

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