Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Protect UFO/UAP Whistleblowers.

by NewParadigmInstitute

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  1. NewParadigmInstitute on

    Take Action Now. Protect UFO/UAP Whistleblowers: [](

    No one should be threatened, intimidated, or face reprisals for speaking the truth. Yet, this is exactly what is happening to the brave people who want to step forward and tell the American people what they know about UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena).

    Last July, UAP whistleblower and retired US Air Force Intelligence Officer David Grusch provided sworn  testimony to Congress about reprisals he faced and how he and “certain colleagues” were “brutally administratively attacked” and subjected to “administrative terrorism.”

    These whistleblowers deserve to be protected.Without enhanced protections, the forty-plus whistleblowers waiting to come forward with first-hand knowledge of the phenomenon – including information about crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs – will remain in the shadows.

    Contact Congress now! Stand with Daniel Sheehan and the New Paradigm Institute and demand Congress pass legislation to enhance UAP whistleblower protections.

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