This article really goes deep into in to the human containers ideas. It’s worth reading in my opinion.

I have a different idea that wasn’t mentioned in the article and it’s a lot darker.

It all started in the late 90s. I had a friend that was a little younger than I and we hung out as teenagers smoking a lot of weed. He had a sister and she married a British military officer and from my friends account he was a officer in the know about somethings and had clearance etc.

He went to live in a military community with his sister and the British fellow. He was gone for at least a year I think. When he got back he was telling horrific stories in regard to aliens. The only thing that kinda gets me thinking is my friend wasn’t aware of Bob lazar a neither was I .

He spoke of humans being nothing but containers aliens plan on using in the future. He said they plan to harvest us the containers also body parts was part of his storytelling.

He spoke to me by a fire one night for hours telling me details of the stories his brother in law let him read. It was all so horrible and unbelievable. Truly dark stuff.

I wasn’t into what he had to say and I thought he was losing it for sure. I remember telling him if that is true then what would be the point of living.

I said it’s choose not to believe that even if it is true. I suppose that it’s possible Bob lazar and my friend got ahold of the same misinformation. At least the containers part. Maybe who knows.

He also truly believes some humans are aliens. Also he mentioned a alien structure of some kind on the sun. I can’t remember much else and one thing is for sure he won’t talk about any of that stuff now.

He told me they harassed him and poisoned his food with chemicals that have variety of effects that are meant to punish you for talking and somehow they know.

Some other stuff happened but I’ll stop here because I doubt any of that shit is true. The truth is we are sentient beings with complex emotions and great traits like courage. We are not nothing and will fight the bitch ass aliens to the last man because we have before.

This all echoes of Giordano Bruno in my mind right now for some reason. He said many worlds exist and the universe is infinite. They burned him alive for it. Maybe just maybe the religions were created and fabricated to keep people Contained to a certain mind state. Maybe. Giordano Bruno was not a container.

by Loose-Alternative-77


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