On Joe Rogan's podcast, Luis Elizondo said he met a Brazilian general named Uchôa at a dinner, where he learned about the alien attacks in Colares. It sounded strange because General Uchôa, who also happened to be a ufologist, passed away in 1996. However, General Uchôa had a son who was also named General Uchôa.

This is their biography:

General Uchôa (Senior)

Photo: https://www.circuloescola.com/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/UCHOA-1.jpg.webp

General Alfredo Moacyr de Mendonça Uchôa was born in 1906 (in Alagoas) and passed away in 1996 (in Brasília). Professionally, he was a geographic and civil engineer, an engineering officer in the Brazilian Army, and a professor of vector calculus and rational mechanics at the former Military School of Realengo. He was also a full professor of rational mechanics at the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras in Resende (RJ).

This native of Murici, Alagoas, became one of the boldest figures in the field of Parapsychology and related subjects, emerging as one of the most notable ufologists Brazil has ever had. He is recognized as a serious parapsychologist and researcher of paranormal phenomena, with extensive knowledge of Theosophy and especially Ufology.

In 1972, he founded the esoteric organization Associação Universal Morya. Still in the 1970s, he also established the União Pioneira de Integração Social (UPIS), a university that continues to operate regularly today in the Federal Capital. Years later, he created the National Center for Ufological Studies (CENEU), which hosted the I International Ufology Congress in Brasília in 1979.

General Uchôa (Junior)

Photo: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/acb7ea_04f5ed14bcf640eba16a0fa70c9c4916~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_963,h_643,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/acb7ea_04f5ed14bcf640eba16a0fa70c9c4916~mv2.jpg

Paulo Roberto Yog de Miranda Uchôa (son of Alfredo Moacyr de Mendonça Uchôa and Ena de Miranda Uchoa (ENITA)) was born on July 30, 1940, in Niterói – Rio de Janeiro. He married Regina Pereira Uchoa on January 19, 1963, in Niterói, daughter of Lincoln Gomes Pereira and Leontina Gomes Pereira.

The third child of Ena and Moacyr, he was born in Niterói, RJ, on July 30, 1940. He was a handsome boy with light hair and greenish eyes. His godparents at baptism were Uncle José Maria, brother of his mother, and Aunt Lourdes, Aunt Dilu, sister of his father. The three siblings, Luiz Carlos, Anna Maria, and "Paulito" (as he was called by his siblings), respectively aged 3, 2, and 1 years, were baptized on the same day in Niterói.

Like his siblings, he studied in Resende, where he completed elementary school at the Olavo Bilac School and high school at Dom Bosco College. He was seven years old when he began attending materialization research sessions that his father conducted in their home. Almost always, an entity dressed as a bride named TEREZINHA would materialize. Paulito claimed to be in love with her.

After completing high school in 1955, he took an entrance exam, was approved, and enrolled in the Military Preparatory School in São Paulo in 1956, where he spent three years before going to the Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, a time when his parents had already left Resende.

A good athlete, he was part of the volleyball and basketball teams at AMAN. At the end of his first year at the Academy, he received the sword of Caxias from his grandfather Miranda. He chose the Infantry branch. An excellent student, he ranked 5th in his class, receiving the officer's sword in 1961 from his father, who proudly presented him with the same sword he had carried since receiving it in 1930. Intelligent, organized, and skilled, he was liked wherever he went. He learned to play the guitar by himself and had a beautiful voice. He enjoyed singing, composing lovely songs, and writing beautiful verses and poetry.

When he was declared an Aspirant, his parents were already living in Niterói, and he chose his first barracks to serve at the 3rd Infantry Regiment (3rd RI) in that city. In Niterói, even before entering the Military Academy, he met Regina Gomes Pereira, whom he married on January 19, 1963. On March 3, 1964, in Niterói, RJ, the couple's first daughter, DENISE, was born.

In August 1965, as a 1st lieutenant, he was transferred to the Army Police Battalion in Brasília, for which he composed a song that was immediately approved by the Commander and later by the Army (see Military Songs Booklet).

After only three months in his new duties, Paulo Roberto, with the authorization of his Battalion Commander, volunteered to serve in the Suez Battalion in Egypt. He returned to live in Niterói, renting an apartment in the same building as his parents, and began serving at the Vila Militar (2nd RI), where he helped prepare the contingent of reservists, also volunteers for the Suez Battalion.

In June of the same year (1966), on the 10th, the couple's second child, ALEXANDRE YOG, was born, who unfortunately passed away 11 days later. As a parenthesis, a mediumistic event occurred after the burial of their child. At his residence, the child's paternal grandfather, General Alfredo Moacyr Uchôa, a spiritualist and psychic medium, received a beautiful message from ALEXANDRE YOG, saying he was very happy for having brought, to the family, which had been his since many incarnations, an encouragement to faith, so necessary for understanding spiritual and eternal truths (see Chapter IV of his autobiography in the MENU).

On August 14 of the same year, Paulo Roberto headed to Egypt, where he stayed on duty for a year. He commanded a border platoon in the Gaza Strip and another in the Sinai Peninsula, of which he was the first Brazilian commander. Still in Brazil, he composed, in partnership with his colleague Ivo Fernandes Kruger, the song of the Suez Battalion. There, in Egypt, he composed the songs of the Platoons he commanded.

He was always distinguished by his superiors and liked by his subordinates for his correct and fair manner of proceeding.

In Cairo, he attended and photographed the "LIGHT AND SOUND" show, where the Sphinx tells the story of ancient Egypt through the light show on itself and the three great pyramids. Later, with colleague Kruger, he put together the show with slides and a cassette tape translated into Portuguese. This show lasts approximately 45 minutes and was adapted, upon his return to Brazil, with REGINA recording the voice of NEFERTITI. He presented it several times, including to the Egyptian Embassy, always with success, as it represented a lesson in history and mysticism.

In Cairo, Egypt, he climbed the pyramid of Khufu twice from the outside, recording the names of Regina and Denise at its peak. Once inside, he climbed once to the Queen and King's Chambers, an adventure that awakened his interest in studying the history of ancient Egypt. Before returning to Brazil, he toured the Holy Land, the Middle East, and Europe. On this trip, he improved his English.

Back in Brazil, he served in Brasília at the Army Police Battalion (BPEB). During this time, an event worth mentioning took place when Paulo Roberto and a group of friends went on an excursion to a location near the city of Sobradinho. They all entered a huge cave, little known, full of halls, stalactites, and, unfortunately, bats. The result was that almost all of them contracted a disease called histoplasmosis, known in Egypt as the "Curse of the Pharaohs," because those who robbed the pharaohs' tombs would die from inhaling the virus contained in the dried bat feces. Luckily, they all received treatment and fully recovered.

Still in Brasília, in 1967, his daughter LIANE was born.

That year, he was promoted to captain. In January 1971, he went to Rio to attend the School of Advanced Officer Training (EsAO). His soldiers from BPEB greatly esteemed him, as he treated them with friendship and understanding, showing concern for their well-being. In fact, proof of this is that the Soldiers' Guild of the 3rd Company of the Army Police Battalion, which he named "Panther," was named after him (Captain Uchôa Guild) when he left in 1971.

After finishing the EsAO course, in which he ranked 4th among 108 officers, he served as an instructor in the Infantry Course at the Military Academy in Resende for two years. Returning to Brasília in 1974, he served in the Presidential Guard Battalion (BGP), commanding the 5th Company, which he named COBRA.

Selected to attend the Advanced Infantry Course of the American Army, he left for Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia, USA, with Regina, Denise, Liane, and André Luiz—his nephew and godson—on September 8, 1975. The course lasted eleven months, and he achieved an excellent ranking: 18th among 203 American and foreign officers. He left with many friends among the officers from various countries who were present there.

After completing the mission, he traveled with his family by car across parts of the United States, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, specifically from Georgia and Florida to California, before returning to Brazil. As his grandfather Miranda would say, Paulo Roberto was always a distinguished spirit.

A convinced spiritualist and already interested in the history of Ancient Egypt, he joined the Rosicrucian Order – AMORC in 1967.

After the American course, he served as an instructor at the School of Advanced Officers in Vila Militar, Rio. He was promoted to Major in 1976. In 1978, he entered the Army Command and General Staff School (ECEME), where, two years later, he completed the course with commendation and ranked 5th among nearly 100 officers.

Upon finishing ECEME at the end of 1979, he chose and was designated to serve in the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade in Niterói, where he stayed until early 1981. When then-Minister Danilo Venturini invited him to the General Secretariat/National Security Council, an agency of the Presidency of the Republic, in Brasília.

This was now the fourth time the couple would live in the federal capital. He had previously served twice in the Army Police Battalion and once in the Presidential Guard Battalion. In fact, during the inauguration of Brasília on April 21, 1960, Paulo Roberto, then a second-year cadet at AMAN, was part of the representation that attended the celebrations, parading along the monumental axis of the Pilot Plan. At night, he also attended the city’s inauguration ball held in the ground floor of the Palácio do Planalto.

For the record, in terms of inaugurations, Paulo Roberto and Regina also attended the Inauguration Gala of the Itamaraty in Brasília. He was a Captain in the Army Police and was responsible for planning the traffic for the party. He won an invitation, borrowed a formal uniform, and they attended.

During this time as a captain, specifically in 1967, Paulo Roberto was approached by the head of the Brasília branch of the newspaper "O Globo," Antonio Praxedes, an old student of his from NPOR in Niterói, with an invitation to participate in a research study about strange phenomena, described as ufological, occurring on a farm near Alexânia/GO. The company (Rádio, Jornal e TV Globo) had assembled a team with technicians from various parts of Brazil but needed the group to include someone "knowledgeable" on the subject. Problems related to troop readiness in Brasília at the time prevented Paulo Roberto from attending. But the Commander of the Army Police arranged for Captain Uchôa to attend the research as a representative of the Army. For three nights and two days at the site, nothing happened. Globo withdrew from the report, but Paulo Roberto learned the way there. Weeks later, he returned with friends from the Institute of Parapsychology in Brasília, of which he was a founding member. What they witnessed was impressive.

In 1968, when his father moved to Brasília, Paulo Roberto introduced him at the Institute and took him to the location. Shortly thereafter, his father assumed the presidency of the Institute and organized a group that conducted serious and dedicated research for many years, detailed in his father's book "Parapsychology and Flying Saucers". It is no surprise that his father became known as "The General of the Stars."

As mentioned, in 1981, Paulo Roberto returned for the 4th time to Brasília, moving to the same block as his parents, SQS 104. As a Major, his work in the Presidency was related to land issues, primarily supervising and monitoring the work of the Executive Group of the Araguaia-Tocantins Lands – GETAT, with a responsibility area that included the southern part of the State of Pará, southwestern State of Maranhão, and northern State of Goiás, including what was called Bico do Papagaio (the State of Tocantins did not yet exist). In 1983, with the creation of the position of Extraordinary Minister for Land Affairs, General Danilo Venturini, Chief of the Military House of President João Figueiredo, was appointed to accumulate the new position, at which point he invited Lieutenant Colonel Paulo Roberto Uchôa to be his Assistant Secretary. Paulo Roberto then had the opportunity to broaden his land knowledge from the GETAT area to the entire national territory.

Two years later, with the end of the Figueiredo government, he served in the Army General Staff, where he was promoted to Colonel in April 1986. It was during this time that he participated in the contest for the Song of the 5th Armored Cavalry Brigade, which commands headquartered in Ponta Grossa-PR. Paulo Roberto won, with lyrics and music of his own authorship, deserving a beautiful prize (see Military Songs Booklet).

The choice regarding orientation and spiritual path was made when, in 1967, Paulo Roberto became a member of the Rosicrucian Order – AMORC (Ancient and Mystical Rose-Cross Order), with its international headquarters in San Jose – California – USA, and national headquarters in Curitiba – PR. As a Rosicrucian, he consistently kept up with his studies and devoted himself to the Affiliated Body of the Order in Brasília. He was one of the founders of PRONAOS 25 de Novembro, which later ascended to the BRASÍLIA CHAPTER, of which Paulo Roberto was Deputy Master in 1970. The next Master was supposed to be him, but on the eve of taking office, the Army ordered, exceptionally, that Captain Uchôa be enrolled in the School of Advanced Officers – EsAO. Later, in 1984, he once again assumed the position of Deputy Master, now of the BRASÍLIA LODGE, of which he was Master in 1985, marking the Rosicrucian year of 3338. This period of mastery brought him profound fulfillment and significantly marked Paulo Roberto's future (see Part IV – Chapter XVI of his autobiography in the MENU).

In March 1987, Paulo Roberto took command of the 4th Army Police Battalion in Olinda-PE, where he moved with his wife Regina and daughter Liane. It was a very happy time, marked by significant professional achievements. There, Paulo Roberto entered a competition for the song of the 7th Field Artillery Group (The Olinda Regiment), winning once again with lyrics and music of his own. The officers of his battalion insisted so much that he also ended up composing the song for the 4th BPE, which was approved and officialized shortly thereafter.

At the end of his command, Paulo Roberto was appointed to the Cabinet of the Minister of the Army, taking on the role of Chief of the Planning Section of the Army’s Social Communication Center in April 1989. Shortly after, he assumed the role of Liaison Officer for the Minister's Office with the Judiciary.

In October 1989, Paulo Roberto and Regina decided that the city of Brasília would be their final stop when transitioning to retirement, and they acquired what they called their "definitive" house in QI 10, Block 4, House 4, in Lago Norte, Brasília.

While preparing to move into their new home, Army Minister General Leônidas Pires Gonçalves called Colonel Uchôa to inform him that he had been appointed Liaison Officer to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), headquartered at Fort Monroe in Hampton, Virginia, USA. Thus, the couple left for another overseas experience in September 1990, this time for two years. Their daughters initially did not accompany them but soon joined them, first Denise and then Liane. It was during this time that Denise married American Mathew Slater at the Chapel of the Centurion at Fort Monroe.

The experience could not have been better. During service trips, Paulo Roberto visited Hawaii, South Korea, Panama, Alaska, as well as numerous cities and American military organizations on both the East and West Coasts, including the National Training Center in Nevada and Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. Outside of work, he and Regina enjoyed "everything they had a right to," including two wonderful vacations in Europe: the first with friends Edgardo and Sonia, where they rented a car in Frankfurt and traveled 6,000 km through Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Monaco, and Switzerland, before returning to Germany to return the car and take a train to Paris and London—all in a well-planned total of 32 days, aided by their friends who were colonels at TRADOC.

The second trip was dedicated to Spain and Portugal. This time, the couple traveled alone, renting a car and starting in Madrid, visiting the Valley of the Fallen, Segovia, Salamanca, Ávila, Porto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais, Seville, Córdoba, Granada, and Toledo, before returning to Madrid. The support of his dear friend from the Spanish Army, Colonel Juan Antonio Sanchez (later a general), was essential for the success of this trip, which he filmed and edited, much like the European trip. These films became excellent documentaries, further stimulating his hobbies of audio and visual work, later enhanced by the use of computers.

The couple made a large circle of American friends as well as among the families of Liaison Officers from the other twelve countries that had representation at TRADOC: Canada, Spain, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Israel, Turkey, Korea, and Japan.

Upon their return to Brazil in October 1992, they settled back in Brasília, this time moving into their own home, with Paulo Roberto serving in the Army General Staff. Five months later, in March 1993, Paulo Roberto was promoted to Brigadier General, being appointed Commander of the 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade in Marabá-PA. The four Jungle Infantry Battalions of this Brigade are distributed along the Trans-Amazon highway, specifically in Itaituba (Tapajós River), Altamira (Xingu River), Marabá, and Imperatriz/MA (Tocantins River).

A year later, after an extraordinary experience in the Amazon, Paulo Roberto returned to Brasília, now designated as the first commander of the 11th Military Region, after its separation—but still remaining subordinate—to the Military Command of the Plateau. He assumed his new command on May 6, 1994.

During this new and challenging experience, the Military Hospital of the Brasília Garrison was under his command, exactly where his mother passed away on March 15, 1995. His father went through the transition on March 5, 1996. It was a difficult period, but it was also one of significant professional fulfillment. In July 1995, he took a beautiful vacation with Regina and Liane along the coast of Turkey and the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, ending with five days in the fascinating city of Istanbul.

At the end of 1996, Paulo Roberto was assigned to serve in the General Staff of the Armed Forces, taking on the roles of Deputy Chief of the Army for International Affairs and Strategic Information on December 20, 1996.

In 1998, promoted to Division General, he was appointed commander of the 7th Military Region – 7th Army Division, headquartered in Recife/PE, with jurisdiction over the northeastern states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, and Alagoas. This was a fruitful period of professional achievements, notably his work for the revitalization of the Guararapes National Historic Park, in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, with the recovery of the historical heritage of that site, a symbol of the fusion of the three races that make up Brazilian nationality. In this regard, two of his creations stand out: (1) CARMA – Circle of Friends of the Matias de Albuquerque Region, bringing together military and civilians around the noble feelings that emerge from the worship of the heroes of Guararapes, and (2) the authorship of the lyrics and music of the song of the 7th RM – 7th DE, the Mathias de Albuquerque Region. Later, it was transformed into just Military Region (RM). The update that Paulo Roberto had to make to the song's lyrics was just two lines at the end, a simple matter (see Military Songs Booklet).

In February 2000, he was appointed Deputy Commander of Land Operations, returning to Brasília where, in January 2001, he transitioned to retirement from the Army. In May of that year, he was invited and accepted the position of National Drug Secretary at the National Drug Secretariat – SENAD, an agency linked to the Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic, where he carried out work that earned him national and international recognition.

As his father's books were sold out, Paulo Roberto coordinated and managed, together with the Editora do Conhecimento, new editions of the following books:

  • BEYOND PARAPSYCHOLOGY – 5th and 6th Dimensions of Reality
  • DIVE INTO HYPERSPACE – Esoteric Dimensions in UFO Research
  • CHRIST FOR TODAY'S HUMANITY – scientific, social, and political
  • A SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH – autobiography

Three books remain to be reissued:

  • THE TRANSCENDENTAL – Healing and Phenomena




by aliensinbermuda

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