ISS with Starliner docked transiting the Sun

by Namuori


  1. The first image is a composite of the multiple video frames taken of the ISS transiting the Sun on August 15, 2024 as observed at Daejeon, South Korea. I used a Nikon P1000 camera at maximum focal length (3000mm) with ND100000 filter attached. The large sunspot at the bottom is AR3784, which is one of the largest I’ve seen recently.

    The second one is the stacked and enlarged version of the ISS, to make out where Starliner was attached to the ISS. I had been planning to take a shot of the ISS with the spacecraft in question, and the delays made it possible to make it happen. The initial 1-week mission window would have been too narrow.

    I have also [uploaded a video]( about this observation to show you how I do the setup.

  2. I’m surprised the starliner came back in one piece.

    My assumption was, if the astronauts were riding it back, they were going to die.

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