Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on public UAP hearing in US Senate with AARO: “I have it on the schedule” for this month



  1. [Ask A Pol UAP LISTEN: Laslo & Gillibrand ]( (1m50s)

    Ask A Pol
    >Are we gonna see a UAP hearing this month?

    Sen. Gillibrand
    >I have it on the schedule…It’s in September, I’m pretty sure

    Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has confirmed that a public hearing on UAP is scheduled in the Senate for September 2024.

    The hearing is expected to feature testimony from the new head of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Will likely give a progress report on how many UAP we’ve analyzed, give examples of what we have and haven’t identified.

  2. Gillibrand also wants to restore credibility to the office with this hearing, which makes this the most ambitious hearing in Congress to date.

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