Found this jackpot on the Twitter feed yesterday.

Patent application filed by the US Department of Navy in April 2016, published in 2018:

There’s a treasure trove of information here. If there’s any (Q)uantum physicists in the chat, feel free to translate. I won’t spoil too much, share anything cool you find.

Go crazy. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some of this archived in case it gets mysteriously removed off public records.

by Xyoyogod


  1. I am more interested in seeing scientists try to replicate his rtsc patents and publishing the data.


    one theory is that these patents are sending a message to china that they arent the only ones reverse engineering nhi craft

  3. [Here’s vid with the creator of those patents…](

    contains a fair bit of advanced concepts/jargon because the interviewer (Curt Jaimungel) is a mathematician and physicist as well. He’s also one of the best interviewers in this whole UFO topic, and some other connected fields (Physics, Consciousness Studies, Philosophy) 100% worth a listen!
    Curt and Sal are both great!

  4. Again, it’s important to remind people that a patent is not a working, operative design solution. It just needs to fulfil the criteria of a unique concept, be it theoretical or realised.

    Just because patents exist, does not mean that physical manifestations of those designs also exist.

    This is all about intellectual property rights.

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