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  1. >Called equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs), IFL Science describes them as pockets of superheated gas at low altitudes in regions near the equator, such as Egypt, calling it a form of space weather.
    >They emerge when there is suddenly a loss of charged particles in a layer of the sky called the ionosphere.

    What’s causing charged particles to rise from the Great Pyramid?

    **The unique geometric properties of pyramids.**

    Scientific paper which verified this:


    >It is revealed that the Pyramid’s chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for the both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields.

    >***It is shown that the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them into the substrate region.***

    >Geometric bodies of various shapes are able to concentrate background electromagnetic radiation at certain points in space [20]. Balezin et al. **showed the ability of pyramidal structures to alter the spatial distribution of the external background electromagnetic radiation, concentrating the electromagnetic energy near the base of the pyramid. [20]**

    >Such a concentration of electromagnetic energy by pyramidal structures was recently found to induce changes in the properties of an enzyme: through AFM, changes in the adsorption properties of HRP after its incubation in certain points near a pyramidal structure were revealed [21].

    >The alterations in the background electromagnetic field topography in the vicinity of the structures of certain shapes occur due to the reflection and refraction of electromagnetic radiation. ***Specifically, background electromagnetic radiation is reflected from and/or refracted on these structures’ elements, the dimensions of which are of the order of the radiation wavelength [20]***. In practice, the phenomenon of changes in the electromagnetic field topography near spatial structures was used in the construction of anechoic chambers, in which pyramidal structures were employed [26].

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