Major X4.5 solar flare erupts from AR 3825, CME produced

by Effective-Writer7904


  1. Effective-Writer7904 on

    A major solar flare measuring X4.5 erupted from Active Region 3825 at 15:29 UTC on September 14, 2024. The event started at 15:13 and ended at 15:47 UTC. This is the fifth strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25.

    Video Link –

    Video courtesy: NASA SDO AIA Telescope

  2. [](

    R3 (Strong) HF Radio Blackout Event on 14 Sep 2024published: Saturday, September 14, 2024 16:27 UTC

    An X4.5 flare occurred at approximately 14/1529 UTC, resulting in R3 (Strong) HF radio blackouts. Continue to monitor our [web page]( for updated forecasts, alerts, and warnings. 

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