UFOs Are a National Security Issue (YT Link Below)

by itsjay88


  1. In this brief clip from the interview between George Knapp and John Lear, John Lear discusses specific events where pilots and their planes were destroyed in their aggressive pursuit of UFOs. John Lear mentions an Air Force pilot in a P-51 is given the direct order to take down a UFO. The last words of the pilot states, “Oh my god it’s huge!” before the pilot and the plane is never seen again. John Lear continues to give a few more examples where UFOs seemingly expressed themselves as a threat and ended up crashing due to USAF pilots aggressive pursuit. John Lear’s last mention consists of multiple UFOs seen tantalizing the White House in 1952 for two subsequent weekends.


  2. AcrobaticTangelo2756 on

    Um…… how old is this interview?

    How long has this been a talking point?

    So…… apparently not much of a national security issue at all.

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