How do we reconcile with the fact that Edward Snowden said back in 2019:

"But the idea that we're hiding them—if we are hiding them—I had ridiculous access to the networks of the NSA, the CIA, the military, all these groups. I couldn't find anything."

Source: Business Insider

"He admitted that it was entirely possible that knowledge of alien contact were "hidden really damn well" from people with direct access to classified information"

In contrast, Luis Elizondo discusses in his book how he had access to DoD systems and saw numerous events related to UFOs/UAPs.

So, either Snowden did not have access to the same information as Elizondo, or there is something inconsistent here.

by dieTotenHosenFortuna


  1. Salt_Internet_5399 on

    You see elizando is a patriot who pinky promised to only leak info through proper military channels and book deals, and Snowden isn’t a money hungry hack.

  2. why would Snowden have any access to that kind of data ?

    grusch and elizondo said that before they came directly into this topic, they never had anything to do with this.

    if the secrecy was necessary, then people like Snowden would never find out.

    ” need. to. know “.

    is that hard to understand?

  3. The DOD admitted that Elizando’s files and emails were deleted. If Snowden didn’t find those then he didn’t look everywhere. That alone says its plausible he just missed it.

  4. One-Condition745 on

    Snowden famously didn’t read very much of what he had access to, or leaked. Also, why would you keep files on UFOs in the same place as a mass surveillance program?

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