Dick Cheney in 2001 when asked about UFOs: “If I had been briefed on that, I’m sure it was probably classified, and I couldn’t talk about it.”



  1. In April 2001, then [Vice President Dick Cheney is asked if he’s been briefed on UFOs](https://dianerehm.org/shows/2001-04-11/vice-president-dick-cheney) in any of his government jobs. He responds: “If I had been briefed on that, I’m sure it was probably classified, and I couldn’t talk about it. […] I have not come across this subject since I’ve been back in government… uh well I guess since January 20^(th).”

    His answer is intentionally evasive.

    Firstly, he’s acknowledging that if a UFO program existed, he couldn’t talk about it.

    Secondly, he was originally asked about his involvement in the UFO program through *any* of his positions in government. He answers that he hasn’t run into the subject since being back in government as VP.

    Mr. Cheney would’ve been Sec. Def. in 1991 under the George H. W. Bush administration when there are [allegations of him having been read into the Program then.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1fdu9o1/clip_from_2001_documentary_we_have_people/?rdt=40544)

    This reinforces the latest reporting regarding [Mr. David Grusch having told Mr. Walter Kirn that Dick Cheney is at the top of UFO secrecy pyramid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_fE_HaxCgk)

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