I was checking out the supposed 'face' on mars today using Google Earths map of Mars. When i found the the famed Cydonia area, i noticed that the 'face' was a really old photograph as was another area near by. The other area as I later found out, is supposed to be a 'city' based on some theories. Also, areas below the 'face' seem glitched out.

Question: Is there a simpler reason outside of 'aliens' why these random areas use really old photos and other areas of the face of mars are not?
It seemed pretty weird to me, I'm hoping others have looked into this, and may have answers.

Thank you to anyone who may have an explanation.

One can view it themselves using this link:

by 10gallon_mouth

1 Comment

  1. slipknot_official on

    Those arent the “older” photographs, they’re the most recent. 30 years as opposed to the first ones, which are about 50 years old.

    This is the first one from the 70’s


    This is the newer, which is still from the 90’s


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